Saturday, 18 January 2014

Main Task : Production Process

Thinking about an actual production process, the actors/actresses would be taken to the location where we would have filmed therefore my dad picked us all up and took us to the location where we were going to film with all the equipment.

When arriving at the location we had to set all of our things down and set the camera down. Ella was the cameraman and the director, Emily was the creative advisor to Ella and I was the actresses assistant for the first few location shoots and then we switched roles to vary it so we weren't going to be bored doing the same thing. So I had a turn on the camera shooting a few of the shot list expected shots. 
It was interesting to see how much we had to do and not a lot of time because when we had started (around 10am) it had been cold and misty whereas as the day went by the sun came out and it looked irregular in the places that we had filmed. 

Then we had to walk for a minute to the next location which was only over a bridge to where the shack was. It was here where we decided to stop as it was around 12:30pm - 1pm and decided to have lunch then carry on after that. Again, the sunlight has come out which was spectacular but it was an error to the film because the background would of been sunny but after talking as a team we suggested that we can colour grade it out to make sure no light aspect would be avaliable.

We had finished at about 3pm and were very tired and cold. It was an experience that we learnt from as we had understood that timing is impeccable, instructions need to be clear and shot list need to be precise.

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