Thursday, 7 November 2013

Preliminary Task : Review On Questions

After the preliminary task we still had concerning questions that weren't answered such as the below :

How to colour grade a video? 

So how do you make a colour effect on a video? There are tv programmes where in one shot the effect is 'sepia' and you don't realise it much like the photo below. You make think it's the sunset but it may be lighter and look white and the 'sepia' effect allows it to have a sunset look

How do you make a voice over?

How to add music on final cut pro?

This may be obvious but really if you have more than one type of music can you add it?

What is the main production of film?

After having our own idea of how a film production works, what is the real process of a film?

How do you get special effect on Final Cut Pro?

How to get a split screen affect on Final cut pro?

When I mean a split screen I mean this :

Between 3:34 - 3: 50

So having 4/2 videos on one screen.

How to make a realistic script?

Maybe to make a realistic script you need experience in the field so you can make it believable but if you don't have enough experience then do you 'wing it?'

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